Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

character skteches...

I've got a ton of sketches in sketchbooks... but I was reading some Character Animation Crash Course a few days ago, because my animation was feeling super stiff... So while watching some Paprika, I did my character in some of the poses from the book... It helped quite a bit... Feeling like animating ...

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012

character redesign...

Oh my goodness... These characters are going to be the death of this project... The only character I feel like I like is the boy, Rick... The others are so so... at this point though, I have to get to animating so... These guys can't go through another revision!!! However, the silhouette of the characters are much clearer though...
another version with some color grads...

Thursday, November 1, 2012

color scripting...

An overall color vibe... I'm attempting to make the first half a little more cool, then when it goes into the action, to make it more warm, a bit more HOT!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Shot list...

Posting a list of shots as they are now... This is a handy tool for having a clear idea of where I am in the process...

Cleaned up layouts...

I'm going through the process now of cleaning up the thumbnails in preparation for making a layout reel. Also looking at how the scenes link up together... It's col-erase blue pencil with some blue pastel to get some quick tone...

Friday, July 27, 2012

Sketch Crazy...

So I was trying to think of the flavor of this film, and I'm experimenting with the possiblity of adding tails... Not sure if I really want to go for this because of the additional animation involved... However it does add to the readability of the characters.